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时间:2021-04-11 21:52:11 栏目:生活/家居

  爱情谍战巨制《间谍同盟》发布推广曲海报,并宣布影片全球唯一推广曲《Give You My World》(给你我的全世界)将由华语超人气实力唱将张杰演唱。那么电影《间谍同盟》推广曲歌词是什么呢?我们一起来看看吧


  电影《间谍同盟》推广曲叫《Give You My World》。





  Give You My World (《间谍同盟》电影全球唯一推广曲) - 张杰

  词:James Alan/Peter Svensson/Johan Carlson

  曲:Max Martin

  You have given me love

  Beyond border lines

  Mended broken pieces of me long left behind

  And if I knew it meant your happiness would be assured

  I'd scale the tallest mountainside and walk the ocean floor

  The impossible is possible as I am yours

  And if I had my way

  Time would stop tomorrow forever and a day

  Is not enough to share with you

  No less than you deserve

  I promise I will give you

  More than just my word

  I'll give you my world I'll give you my world

  Now as we all must let the force of fate decide

  I will bear no regret with you here by my side

  When the hour is at hand that I must say goodbye

  I will gladly meet my end knowing well that I

  Found in you the greatest happiness of all my life

  And if I had my way

  Time would stop tomorrow

  Forever and a day

  Is not enough to share with you

  No less than you deserve

  I promise I'll give you

  More than just my word

  I'll give you my world

  More than just my word

  I'll give you my world

  I'll give you my world

  I'll give you my world

  由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导,布拉德·皮特、玛丽昂·歌迪亚联袂主演的爱情谍战巨制《间谍同盟》发布张杰演唱的全球推广曲《Give You My World》(给你我的全世界)海报,张杰身着西装展露背影,双手舞动侧脸回眸,浅黄色背景配以印刷感人物造型,凸显复古年代感。影片将于11月30日公映。



  派拉蒙影片公司表示张杰是他们最想合作的中国歌手, 通过《星际迷航3》的合作,他们对张杰的声音、表现力,以及其所演绎的歌曲准确诠释了电影的精髓而备受肯定,所以这次间谍同盟再次力邀张杰演唱全球唯一推广曲,并邀请了张杰和主演布拉德.皮特见面,布拉德.皮特在听完张杰曾经演唱过的英文歌曲后给予了极高的赞赏,表示由张杰来演唱这首歌他本人绝对放心。本次献声《间谍同盟》,张杰将如何演绎出影片中的华美年代情怀,又将如何诠释片中感人肺腑的爱情故事,都成为众人关注的焦点。

关键词 : 间谍 同盟 全球

